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The Federations and UNESCO Clubs gathered in Limassol, Cyprus, on the occasion of the 6th Congress of WFUCA, held from 5th to 10th September 2003, are very pleased about the adoption by the 31st session of the General Conference of the “UNESCO Universal Declaration on Cultural Diversity” and pledge get involved to continue in the field, increasing concrete and innovative activities, particularly those following below, which is aimed at putting in place a real dialogue between cultures and civilizations:

1. Bringing on a local level a concrete help to the different minority cultural communities in order for their rights to be respected, particularly in the field of native language teaching, essential to any school programme.

2. Encouraging the development of intercultural libraries in order to facilitate, by reading and new media, access to representative works from different cultures, continuing the efforts undertaken by the network of associated libraries to UNESCO, particularly through the programme “Read to build peace”.

3. Continuing and reinforcing at any level, particularly at the local level, the undertaken efforts for a better knowledge and a better protection of material and intangible cultural heritage, in close link with the UNESCO programmes.

4. Multiplying at any level, but particularly within school and associations, exchanges between communities, beginning on a local level. One of the methods to encourage these relations can be putting in place a network of correspondents through new technologies of communication or through the traditional means too.

5. Celebrating at a local level the international days recommended by UNESCO, particularly those on Human Rights (10th December), Women (8th March), Fight against all kinds of Discrimination (21st March), Cultural Diversity (21st May), Environment (5th June), Literacy (8th September), Peace (21st September)

6. Encouraging training for adults, particularly for teachers, preparing for them a pedagogical handbook in order for them to be aware of the richness of cultural diversity through examples coming from the activities of the different Clubs in the world

7. Increasing media awareness, particularly towards professionals on information, associating them, at a local level, to the campaigns diffusing the ideals of UNESCO relative to the cultural diversity.

8. Obtaining the support of local Authorities in order for the cultural rights, particularly those of minorities, to be recognized.

9. Encouraging cultural exchanges / sharing between North and South countries and between South countries, in order to make more concrete the concept of cultural diversity, organizing, between others, regional or sub regional seminars.

10. Analysing and including the concept of cultural diversity into the programmes, from early childhood, to create an awareness in children from an early age, so that they can begin to appreciate the value of this concept and be better able to develop in their minds, tolerance and dialogue.

11. Promoting activities between young and elder people, with a view to spreading the concept of cultural diversity and increasing their attitude of tolerance and dialogue.

12. Helping, in countries where there is no cultural diversity policy, the associations to enlighten the concept of cultural diversity.

13. Encouraging digital creativity stimulating cultural dialogue through the programme “Crossroads – Carrefours” of WFUCA and the programme of UNESCO.

14. Launching a WFUCA price “Best Practice Award”, offered by the Honorary members, or some Advisers to WFUCA, to a Federation or to a local UNESCO Club, Centre or Association, in order to reward an exemplary activity on the topic: “UNESCO Clubs: a bridge for cultural diversity”.

15. In order for the most efficient implementation of this Resolution, a “Committee for the Promotion of Cultural Diversity and Intercultural Dialogue” will be set up within WFUCA, as a co-ordination and supporting organ in this field of priority action of WFUCA for the 4 in coming years.


The Congress

9th September 2003