CONFLUENCES News from the Arab region

From February 1st to February 3rd a regional meeting of Arab States UNESCO Clubs was organized in co-operation with the Lebanese National Commission, under the high patronage of the Minister of Culture Ghassan Salamé. Representatives of the federations and clubs from Egypt, Kuwait, Lebanon, Palestine, Sudan and Tunisia, took part in the meeting and observers from Jordan, Syria and Yemen were present. During the various meetings many topics were approached such as intercultural dialogue, co-operation between UNESCO Clubs and local authorities. The representatives of the various clubs thus described the projects and activities they undertook on the field to promote UNESCO's ideals and try to increase their audience. Let's take the example of the Egyptian Clubs One of the main objectives of UNESCO clubs being to promote a "culture of peace " through education and through opening to other cultures, it seems interesting to study the example of the " project of the associated clubsand schools " in Egypt. Those activities took many forms throughout 2001-2002 :

  • Celebration of the international day for peace on July 4th 2000. Every year these clubs celebrate the worldwide day of fight against drugs and AIDS; And on August 22nd 2000, celebration of the international year for peace for the children throughout the world.
  • Participation to various competitions in search of creating multiple bonds and raising awareness to the search of peace: these clubs took part in the 2000 international poetry competition, and in the worldwide art and design competition in Hong Kong on October the 4th.
  • Research or photographs by students or pupils on the topics of the non-violence and culture of peace, who took part in the eleventh worldwide exhibition of the children in Kanawa, Japan.
  • Always with the purpose of establishing bonds between children of different cultures, let's note the participation of these clubs in various forums, such as the one in New Delhi at the beginning of 2001 (two pupils sent) as well as the participation of eight pupils through videoconference in the international youth forum in August 2001.
  • Other pupils, members of these clubs, took part in an exchange and correspondence program with modern experimental schools in Tunisia, and in conferences such as the second cultural forum of the Arab countries held in Saudi Arabia from October 19th to October 29th 2001.
  • Lastly, one of the major projects for the coming years is to try to create an environmental conscience for these children, as well as to preserve their country's cultural heritage.

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